The following are discographical listings for Irish-based record labels,
including some traditional music labels. I've excluded Irish Pressings by
foreign artists in most cases for obvious reasons and as a result some of the
major label discographies are far from complete. I've included some foreign-based
labels with significant releases by Irish artists.
If you can fill in any gaps, please get in touch.
Click here for work in progress on miscellaneous small label discographies.
Please send any additions or corrections to the contact address above
with the label name(s) in the subject field.
You can send text or scans or excel files or indeed most any other format. If you
have access to this info in a format that is not emailable please get in touch and
we'll try to work something out.
Thanks to all who have helped with these discographies, irrespective of how
futile it may have seemed at times (just how many Brendan Shine singles are
there anyhow?). Particular thanks to Eddie Kelly, John Lynch & TP McLoughlin.