An interesting oneshot single pairing excellent folk rock arrangements
of "Lord of the Dance" and Jon Ledingham's "Julia". Both tracks were also released
on singles by MacMurrough / Shades of MacMurrough
in the same period (1972-73)
and I'd previously speculated that there may have been a link between the two bands.
In fact it turns out McAnnix was a short-lived
group led by Jim McCann. The single is described as a the first release by McCann's new
grouo in an issue of Billboard magazine from May 1973. Having finally heard it,
it's a considerably more energetic take on folk rock that MacMurrough and a bit of
a departure for Jim McCann.
Help!: We need your help to complete this entry. If you can tell us more about this band then please do! We welcome any corrections, missing details, connections to other bands, where are they now, etc. We also need photos, scans, copies of releases or live or demo recordings, and any other memorabilia gathering dust in the attic. If you can help, then please get in touch.
thanks to John Lynch